Autonomous Smart Contracts (ASC)

Autonomous Smart Contracts (ASC)

Autonomous Smart Contracts are one of the Key Innovations brought by Massa to the Blockchain Industry.

Most decentralized applications need to be regularly updated to function properly. For instance, lending protocols need to liquidate under-collateralized positions. Current blockchains rely on centralized systems to automate smart-contracts (cloud infrastructure, network of bot operators).

Autonomous Smart Contracts are one of the Key Innovations brought by Massa to the Blockchain Industry.

Most decentralized applications need to be regularly updated to function properly. For instance, lending protocols need to liquidate under-collateralized positions. Current blockchains rely on centralized systems to automate smart-contracts (cloud infrastructure, network of bot operators).

Massa is building smart contracts that can wake up by themselves and execute arbitrary operations autonomously.


Configure your smart-contract to listen to specific events (price change, date, …)

Configure your smart-contract to listen to specific events (price change, date, …)


Events trigger arbitrary smart-contract executions (liquidation, price feed update, …)

Events trigger arbitrary smart-contract executions (liquidation, price feed update, …)

Massa’s autonomous smart-contracts reduce the need for bots and human interaction and pushes the boundaries of decentralization.

Massa’s autonomous smart-contracts reduce the need for bots and human interaction and pushes the boundaries of decentralization.

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Come on our Discord to learn more about our Autonomous Smart Contracts or read our dedicated documentation.

Come on our Discord to learn more about our Autonomous Smart Contracts or read our dedicated documentation.

Our token sale is now available on Republic via Reg D!